When you are ready to start looking to purchase a home, it is very important to speak to your Financial Advisor to obtain a pre-approval.  The pre-approval provides you the value you are qualified for to spend.  The documents you may require to obtain your pre-approval are:


  • Personal information -  age, marital status and amount of dependents
  • Financial information – Your employment & proof of income (A letter from your employer on letterhead may be required stating your income, salary, years of service, whether position is part-time or full time, and their contact information)
  • Copy of you pay stub
  • Verification of down payment – Bank statements for past 3 months)
  • Provide consent for a credit check
  • Provide a list of assets – Properties, vehicles, etc.
  • Provide a list of debts and monthly payments – Credit cards, loans etc. 



The above information is deemed reliable, however, no responsibility is assumed for the accuracy of this information.